

A New Dawning

Raccolta in inglese di diversi brani del repertorio del Gen Verde. Pubblicato da New City Press.

#E’amore #AThousandRoads #YouAreWorthMuchMore #Rapsody #JoyCan’tBeBound #LetBeMe #ComeAmongUsNow #LifeJourney #JourneytoTheSun #YourImage #YouStar #MadetoBePlayed

  1. E’ amore
  2. A Thousand Roads
  3. You Are Worth Much More
  4. Rapsody
  5. Joy Can’t Be Bound
  6. Let Be Me
  7. Come Among Us Now
  8. Life Journey
  9. Journey to The Sun
  10. Your Image
  11. Your Star (Instrumental)
  12. Made to Be Played