La canzone “Now I know He Is Alive” è adatta anche come canto di congedo nelle celebrazioni liturgiche.
Testo – Now I know He Is Alive
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
How could I ever explain it?
It’s a joy that’s overflowing,
I can’t contain it.
I have seen the Lord, he is risen.
He was there before my eyes.
First he asked why I was crying,
then he called my name
and there’s no denying:
He was standing right there before me.
Now I know he is alive.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia…
Angels like lightning were gleaming.
When we saw them we thought we must be dreaming.
There inside the tomb they were standing
and the stone was rolled away.
Then they said: “Why are you looking
here among the dead for the one who’s living?
Go and tell the world he is risen
and no longer be afraid.”
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia…
Now we set out on our journey
as he walks among us our hearts are burning.
Even when the day turns to darkness
He will stay here at our side.
The signs of his passion and glory
hidden in the pages of our own story,
we know he will be with us always
till the very end of time.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia…
Ascolta e leggi i testi di altri brani simili a Now I know He Is Alive: Tutto il mondo deve sapere, E’ risorto.
He’s Alive

Testo: Paola Stradi
Musica: Nancy L. Uelmen, M. Thérèse Henderson, Jocelyn K. Belamide.
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
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