Breakthrough Asian Tour ’89
Edizione inglese di Mille strade di luce prodotta per il tour in Asia del 1989 che includeva Filippine, Hong Kong, Macao, Cina (Canton) e Sud Corea.
#SingToLife #AnUnusualMorning #SimpleJoys #StartAgain #ComeAmongUsNow #AThousandRoadsToUnity #Evening’sHereAgain #OnlyLoveRemains #FiveminuteWalk #LikeStarsOnMyHorizon #StormInTheNight #IfItweren’tforYou
- Sing To Life
- An Unusual Morning
- Simple Joys
- Start Again
- Come Among Us Now
- A Thousand Roads To Unity
- Breakthrough
- Evening’s Here Again
- Only Love Remains
- Five-minute Walk
- Like Stars On My Horizon
- Storm In The Night
- If It weren’t For You