

Breakthrough Asian Tour ’89

The English edition of Mille strade di luce(A Thousand Roads of Light) produced for the 1989 Asian Tour which included the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, China (Canton) and South Korea.

#SingToLife #AnUnusualMorning #SimpleJoys #StartAgain #ComeAmongUsNow #AThousandRoadsToUnity #Evening’sHereAgain #OnlyLoveRemains #FiveminuteWalk #LikeStarsOnMyHorizon #StormInTheNight #IfItweren’tforYou

  1. An Unusual Morning
  2. Simple Joys
  3. Start Again
  4. Come Among Us Now
  5. A Thousand Roads To Unity
  6. Breakthrough
  7. Evening’s Here Again
  8. Only Love Remains
  9. Five-minute Walk
  10. Like Stars On My Horizon
  11. Storm In The Night
  12. If It weren’t For You