Music Made to Be Played
Music Made To Be Played is Gen Verde’s 66th album. These 14 original songs plus an instrumental take a fresh look at the challenges and choices facing individuals and society today. The album offers a clear and positive perspective on building relationships in a multicultural but divided world in order to go together towards a hope-filled future where all can live in dignity and peace.
Also listen Music Made to Be Played – Instrumental Track.
#Enciendelapaz #Nonsosebasterà #Weare #Encuentro #Hello #Chisono #EastWest #DontWanttoGo #Preghierasemplice #Regresando #Enelinstantequeseva #Appostaperme #Enfamilia #Accendilapace
- Made to Be Played
- Enciende la paz
- Non so se basterà
- We are
- Encuentro
- Hello
- Chi sono
- East West
- Don’t Want to Go
- Preghiera semplice
- Regresando
- En el instante que se va
- Apposta per me
- En familia
- Accendi la pace