There are different types of music and artistic workshops that Gen Verde offers, each with specific goals and particular methods, dedicated to specific purposes.
One of them is Gen Verde’s ‘Choral Workshop’, which consists of a training programme on the role of music in the liturgy, specifically aimed at choirs and musicians who want to learn more about choral music as a service and aid to prayer and the role of singing and music in the liturgy.
This project came about in response to an increasing number of requests from parish and diocesan groups, as well as ecumenical organisations.
What is a choral music workshop?
A choral music workshop is an activity in which participants, often divided into vocal sections, learn and perfect choral singing. The workshops focus on interaction between the participants and practical / hands-on learning.
In the case of Gen Verde, these workshops focus on liturgical choral music, with the aim of deepening the role of singing as an aid to prayer. Participants, who may be singers or musicians, explore various aspects of choral singing, from vocal technique to exploring on the inspiration behind the pieces, creating an experience communitarian experience.
“Choral Workshop”: Gen Verde’s liturgical choral music workshop
Gen Verde’s Choral Workshop includes separate guided rehearsal sessions for each vocal section and for instrumentalists and rehearsals with the entire group, during which participants have the opportunity to deepen the various aspects of the celebration.
Depending on the characteristics of the participants, the time available and the venue, the structure of the Choral Workshop may change. For example, it can last one or more days and it can be addressed to different types of participants.
Structure of liturgical Choral Workshops with Gen Verde
The structure of Gen Verde’s Choral Workshops usually includes an initial phase, followed by practical and interactive sessions in which, besides rehearsing, Gen Verde members share what is behind the songs, i.e. how they were created, what inspired them, the Gospel passages from which they find their source. They also share some of their own life experiences and journey. Usually, this type of workshop ends with a Mass or vigil, in which the participants sing together with Gen Verde.
Differences between music workshops and traditional music lessons
The main difference between a music workshop and traditional music lessons lies in the way it is conducted. If, in fact, a lesson is one-sided, with a teacher addressing an audience of listening students, the workshop is much more interactive, because its objective is to make all members of the group participate.
How to organise a Choral Workshop with Gen Verde?
To organise events, concerts and/or artistic workshops with Gen Verde, please send an e-mail to with your requests and contact details. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Read also this article: “How can I bring Gen Verde to my city?”