During the month of February, we were in Spain, where we visited the cities of Cartagena, Caravaca de la Cruz and Murcia, then Granada and Jaén, in Andalusia, and finally Talavera de la Reina.
This tour included two “Start Now Workshop Project”, two “Gen Verde in Concert”, one “Gen Verde Acoustic”, a “Meet Gen Verde”, five sung Masses and many other meetings with local communities of the Focolare Movement, with children from different schools, a community of nuns, etc.
“Going back to Spain was very special because four years ago we were there when we had to make the difficult decision to stop interrupt the tour and take the last ferry leaving the port of Barcelona for Italy before the border was closed because of the COVID outbreak. The fact that the tour remained “unfinished” was a disappointment we carried with us and so going back was fantastic! Our joy was mirrored in that of the local communities that welcomed us, with renewed courage and hope and also in the young people we met. This tour had an impact which went way beyond what we expected”, says Sally McAllister (manager, Ireland).
It was an intense three weeks full of workshops, concerts, music, but more than anything else, many deep encounters, new acquaintances, friendships, sharing and real relationships.

“The fact that you came here gave us great joy, to feel like a community again. If only all communities could have this opportunity to have Gen Verde… I certainly think they should take advantage of it! I feel that today you could be called ‘Gen Verde 3.0’ because we see an even further evolution, a perfect ‘update’ in every possible way”, said one of the organisers in Cartagena.
“They are very good as artists but above all they transmit a lot. I am grateful to those who invited me to the concert and for being able to meet them. I think they are fascinating and I think they transmit positive energy!”, one of the impressions after the concert in Talavera de la Reina.
Here is a short but intense reel of these 3 weeks in Spain!