Fort those who are in tears, those who are alone, those who are worried or suffering a loss, for those who are fearful for the future or for the present and those who fight to walk through this dark night we are facing… Jesus is born; He returns and says: I’m here for you, I’m here with you.
This is our Christmas Star. And gathered around Him, we all feel we are sisters and brothers together on this journey, sowing seeds of love and hope so that a more fraternal world can be born.
At Christmas time we gather together with people who are dear to us; and so we want to be close to each one of you, just as we’ve felt the warmth and joy of being family through the various livestreams we’ve done during this quite challenging year.
You’ve accompanied us throughout this period with many words and acts that showed us your closeness! And for this we want to express all our gratitude and wishes through the words, music and images of this video… this is our Christmas gift for you!
Happy Christmas!
Link YouTube Christmas Star –